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1:1 and Group Coaching

I love training women and moms! I love hearing about your life, your story and your goals. I like it when you bring your baby or toddler to our sessions (there are plenty of toys in my gym!) and I am so excited when you start seeing improvements and progression! It makes my heart happy when you text me to say that you hiked a mountain without leaking and back pain. I love when you say that you can squat down to play with your kids now.  So whether it's one on one or in a small group, I am happy to have you here. 

I am based in North Bend, WA and train local women in person, but I also offer online coaching and programs. 

How it works


Determine if I am the right trainer for you. The info below will give you an idea of who I work with and how I train. If it sounds like a good fit, send me a message!


We will have a quick discovery call or email to chat about your goals and what you want your training plan to look like. We will decide if personal or small group training is a better fit for you. Once we both feel good about a plan, we will book your first session. 


Fill out your intake forms and we are ready to train! Our first session will start with exercise assessments so I can see how you move and then we get to work!

Who I work with

I am the right coach for you if you...

  • want to work on your core strength, diastasis recti, prolapse or urinary leaking during exercise/coughing/sneezing

  • are pregnant or postpartum (6 weeks+) and want to work on core and pelvic floor function with a coach who understands proper progression

  • are new to exercise or returning to exercise after a long break and want a non judgemental and encouraging coach to help you build back a strong foundation 

1:1 Coaching

Programming designed to meet your needs and goals. Sessions are tailored to fit your fitness level, focus areas and lifestyle. This is a good option if you want to show up to a session and work hard, but don't need at home workouts provided. Sessions offered in person in North Bend, WA and virtually. 

In Person Semi Private Coaching

6 in person sessions in a small group setting! Get the benefits of feedback, asking questions and real time coaching, but at the price of a group workout. 

Join us over 6 sessions as we learn, work and progress. 

Hybrid 1:1 Coaching

An awesome combination of online coaching and live sessions. Includes 4 weeks of personalized online workouts and one live session (in person or virtual). Includes direct messaging to answer questions and a weekly check in to encourage and see how it is going! Option to add on additional live sessions.

Online Group Coaching

Can't make it to North Bend? You can still join the group! 6-12 weeks of online group coaching. Includes activity tracking, 3 at home workouts each week (provided on the Everfit app), access to the community forum, weekly group check ins and direct messaging. 


Send a message to get on the waitlist for the next session

Want more info on pricing and session start dates?

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How I Train

For 1:1 clients we will work together to build a custom training plan that is challenging, but achievable (and fits into your busy life). Each aspect is up to you; number of live sessions (in person or virtual), number of at home workouts provided, how often you want me to check in and more. I use the Everfit personal training app to program and send your at home workouts to your phone (complete with videos of exercises and instructions). The app allows you to record activity (walking, swimming, hiking etc), log workouts, give feedback, ask me a question or send me a video to check your form. During in person sessions we will check your progress, answer any questions, learn new exercises and do a workout. 

For group coaching we follow a progressive exercise program using the Everfit App. Each week will have an upper body day, lower body day and total body day. In person sessions are a total body workout, where you will get in person cueing and receive feedback on form. You also have the option to join a community forum where you can ask questions, get support and maybe even snag a bonus workout! 

Please reach out to discuss availability and pricing. 

Consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow all safety instructions before beginning this or any exercise program. If at any time you feel discomfort, pain, dizziness, or nausea, you should discontinue exercise immediately. Some exercises utilize resistance bands, door anchors, benches, stability balls, sliding discs, weights and other equipment which, if not used correctly, could lead to serious injury. Improper form or use of equipment can cause serious and permanent injury. 

Programs and exercises are geared toward postpartum women and women who are or may become pregnant, but Cynthia MacKay and Core Strength Coach is not a medical professional. You must work closely with your medical professional of choice to ensure training is safe for you and , if applicable, your unborn child. By using the offered coaching services, you assume all dangers, hazards and risks of injury in the use of this program. Cynthia MacKay and Core Strength Coach, will not be liable to any person or entity for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any workouts, advice or other content.

By engaging in coaching services, I acknowledge the following:

I understand that I may stop or modify exercise at any time during a session, and that it is my obligation to notify my physician or seek medical attention immediately if I develop any symptoms such as extreme fatigue, shortness of breath or chest discomfort. I understand that exercise involves certain risks, including but not limited to, serious neck and spinal injuries resulting in complete or partial paralysis, heart attack, stroke or even death. Also, injuries could occur to bones, joints or muscles. Slips, falls, and unintended loss of balance could result in muscular, neurological, orthopedic or other bodily injuries. I understand that part of the risk involved in undertaking any activity or program is relative to my own state of fitness or health (physical, mental, or emotional) and to the awareness, care and skill which I conduct myself in that activity or program.

Knowing the material risks and appreciating, knowing, and reasonably anticipating that other injuries are a possibility, I hereby expressly assume all risk of injury, and death, which could occur as a result of my use of this program.

I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge Cynthia MacKay and Core Strength Coach from any and all responsibilities or liability for any present and future injuries or damages resulting from or arising from my participation in coaching and training.

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